Prova Gratuita 
ECIC 2024

ECIC 2024

16 ottobre 2024 08:00 al 18 ottobre 2024 17:00
Sede dell'evento
Hotel Caesius Thermae & Spa Resort, Via Peschiera, 3, 37011 Bardolino (VR)

AIM is glad to announce the 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC) to be held in Bardolino, Italy, on 16-18 October 2024.

ECIC 2024 will focus on the newest technologies in coke making, sintering, pelletizing, pyrolizing the biomasses and ironmaking (blast furnaces, direct reduction and carbon-based smelting processes).

The 2050 goal of carbon neutrality and the related intensive efforts of the steel industry will significantly affect the technologies for iron ore reduction. In this perspective, the shortage of iron ores matching the requirement for direct reduction by gas and for melting in electric arc furnace makes important proposal of new technologies and devices that can ensure the carbon neutrality even for the coal based routes.

This Congress will focus on technologies that can achieve such a goal improving the efficiency of the existing process, applying the devices that avoid a net emission of green house gases and to point out new routes based on exploitation of biomasses whose net emission is intrinsically neutral.

Click her for more information


Platinum sponsor


Silver sponsor




Exhibitors' List

Primetals Technology

Nippon Gases Industrial srl



Exhibition & sponsorship opportunities

The Conference will be enhanced by an Exhibition at which companies will have the opportunity to inform all delegates of their latest developments. The Exhibition area will be a focal point of the Conference.

Companies will be able to reinforce their participation and enhance their corporate identification by taking advantage of benefits offered to them as Contributing Sponsors of the Conference.

The Exhibition will be organized by:


Why become an Exhibitor?

  • it is an opportunity to showcase your products and services and meet with key national and international players 
  • you can establish or strengthen your company’s standing within the scientific community, maximizing your exposure
  • you will benefit of all the Conference services and activities
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Why become a Sponsor?

  • it is an opportunity to rise the knowledge of your company activities within the scientific community, the industrial world and the decision makers
  • you can benefit of the available options to acknowledge your sponsorship, through the Conference web-based and printed material and on-site services
  • your staff can participate to the event, including one-to-one meeting with professionals from industry and academia.
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Companies interested in taking part in the Exhibition or sponsoring the event may contact us:


tel: +39 0302540006



An allotment of rooms has been reserved for participants of the 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC 2024) at Hotel Caesius Thermae & SPA Resort.

A 15% discount on the best online unrestricted rate will be applied to all booking made by email (writing to, that mention the 9th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC 2024)




“Il lavoro e l’applicazione continui sono il cibo del mio spirito. Quando comincerò a cercare il riposo, allora smetterò di vivere”

Francesco Petrarca



Futura Expo 2023

Acciaio ancora protagonista di sostenibilità

Calendario Eventi

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